Abbreviations Used in References
Updated Aug 15, 2024;
[This is just the bookabs.html file, sorted by AUTHOR, DATE (if/as given), then TITLE.
There will be some mistakes and omissions in here,
and 'no date given/obvious' coded as 0000 for sorting.]
[N.B. The books listed here are NOT cited in the technically-correct style/fashion, but only contain the information needed to find them in a library or book seller catalog.
I have generalized some publication source names (e.g. ClarendonOxfordUP to the more simple OxfordUP),
and abbreviated others (e.g. SBL for 'Society of Biblical Literature').]
- ---------- // Consciousness Research Abstracts. [CS:CRA] // ---------- // ImprintAcademic:0000.
- ---------- // Encyclopedia Britannica (Electronic edition on CD). [REF:EBE] // ---------- // LogosVERSION:0000. [Logos]
- ---------- // GOD'S WORD Translation: The Bible in Clear, Natural English. [REF:GWT] // ---------- // GWNmissionSOC:2017.
- ---------- // The Journal of Consciousness Studies, cited by vol:issue. [CS:JCS_] // ---------- // ImprintAcademic:0000.
- ---------- // The Journal of Consciousness Studies, cited by vol:issue. [CS:JCSxx] // ---------- // ImprintAcademic:0000.
- (Translation Committee) // First Nations Version: An Indigenous Translation of the New Testament. [ST:FNV] // (Translation Committee) // IntervarsityPress:2021.
- Abdul-Haqq, Abdiyah Akbar // Sharing Your Faith with a Muslim. [WR:SYFWM] // Abdul-Haqq, Abdiyah Akbar // BethanyHouse:1980.
- Abdul-Raof, Hussein // Qur'an Translation: Discourse, Texture, and Exegesis. [WR:QT] // Abdul-Raof, Hussein // Curzon:2001.
- Abdul-Raof, Hussein // Schools of Quranic Exegesis: Genesis and Development. [WR:SOQE] // Abdul-Raof, Hussein // Routledge:2010.
- Abegg , Martin , Jr // with Peter Flint, and Eugene Ulrich // The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible: The Oldest Known Bible Translated for the First Time into English. [HI:DSSB] // Abegg , Martin , Jr // with Peter Flint, and Eugene Ulrich // Harper:1999.
- Abegg, Martin // et. al. // The Dead Sea Scrolls Concordance, Volume One, Non-Biblical Texts from Qumran (Parts 1 and 2). [REF:DSSC1] // Abegg, Martin // et. al. // Brill:2003.
- Aberbach, Moshe // Labor, Crafts and Commerce in Ancient Israel. [HI:LCCAI] // Aberbach, Moshe // Magnes:1994.
- Abernathy, Andrew T // and Gregory Goswell. // God's Messiah in the Old Testament: Expectations of a Coming King. [OT:GMIOT] // Abernathy, Andrew T // and Gregory Goswell. // BakerAcademic:2020.
- Abrahamov, Binyamin // (ed, trans, intro). // Anthropomorphism and Interpretation of the Quran in the Theology of al-Qasim ibn Ibrahim Kitab al-Mustarshid. [WR:AIQ] // Abrahamov, Binyamin // (ed, trans, intro). // Brill:1996.
- Abrahamov, Binyamin // Islamic Theology: Traditionalism and Rationalism. [WR:ITTR] // Abrahamov, Binyamin // EdinburghUP:1998.
- Abusch, Tzvi // Beaulieu, Huehnergard, Machinist, Steinkeller (eds). // Historiography in the Cuneiform World. [HI:HCW] // Abusch, Tzvi // Beaulieu, Huehnergard, Machinist, Steinkeller (eds). // CDL Press:2001.
- Abusch, Tzvi // The Anti-Witchcraft Series MAQLU--A Student Edition and Selected Commentary. [HI:TAWS] // Abusch, Tzvi // NeoAssyrianTextCorpusProject:2015.
- Abush, I Tzvi // Essays on Babylonian and Biblical Literature and Religion. [HI:EOBABLR] // Abush, I Tzvi // Brill:2020.
- Accad, Fouad Elias // Building Bridges: Christianity and Islam. [WR:BB] // Accad, Fouad Elias // Navpress:1997.
- Accad, Martin // Sacred Misinterpretation: Reaching Across the Christian-Muslim Divide. [WR:SMRACMD] // Accad, Martin // Eerdmans:2019.
- Achtemeier, Elizabeth // Preaching Hard Texts of the Old Testament. [TH:PHTOT] // Achtemeier, Elizabeth // Hendrickson:1998.
- Ackerman, Susan // Under Every Green Tree: Popular Religion in Sixth-Century Judah. [OT:UEGT] // Ackerman, Susan // Eisenbrauns:2001.
- Adam , AKM // What is Postmodern Biblical Criticism? . [REF:WIPB] // Adam , AKM // FortressPress:1995.
- Adami, Christoph //The Evolution of Biological Information: How Evolution Creates Complexity, from Viruses to Brains. [NS:EOBI] // Adami, Christoph //PrincetonUP:2024. [Kindle]
- Adams, Edward // The Stars Will Fall from Heaven: Cosmic Catastrophe in the New Testament and its World. [HI:Stars] // Adams, Edward // T&TClark:2007.
- Adams, Marilyn McCord // and Robert Merrihew Adams (eds.). // The Problem of Evil (Oxford Readings in Philosophy). [PH:POER] // Adams, Marilyn McCord // and Robert Merrihew Adams (eds.). // OxfordUP:1990.
- Adams, Marilyn McCord // Horrendous Evils and the Goodness of God. [PH:HEGG] // Adams, Marilyn McCord // Cornell:1999.
- Adams, Sean // , Seth Ehorn (eds). // Composite Citations in Antiquity VOL 1: Jewish, Graeco-Roman, and Early Christian Uses. [HI:CCIN1] // Adams, Sean // , Seth Ehorn (eds). // T&TClark:2016.
- Adamson, Peter // and Richard Taylor (eds). // The Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy. [WR:CCAP] // Adamson, Peter // and Richard Taylor (eds). // CambridgeUP:2005.
- Adang, Camilla // Muslim Writers on Judaism and the Hebrew Bible: From Ibn Rabban to Ibn Hazm. [WR:MWJHB] // Adang, Camilla // Brill:1997.
- Adeyemo, Tokunboh // (gen ed). // Africa Bible Commentary. [WR:ABC] // Adeyemo, Tokunboh // (gen ed). // Zondervan:2006. [Logos]
- Adkins, Lesley // and Roy Adkins. // Dictionary of Roman Religions. [HI:DRR] // Adkins, Lesley // and Roy Adkins. // OxfordUP:1996.
- Adkins, Lesley // and Roy Adkins. // Handbook to Life in Ancient Greece. [HI:HLAG] // Adkins, Lesley // and Roy Adkins. // Facts on File:1997.
- Adkins, Lesley // and Roy Adkins. // Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome. [HI:HLAR] // Adkins, Lesley // and Roy Adkins. // FactsOnFile:1994.
- Adrados, FR // History of the Graeco-Latin Fable, volume 3: Inventory and Documentation of the Graeco-Latin Fable. [HI:HGLF3] // Adrados, FR // Brill:2003.
- Adrados, Francisco Rodriguez // (Leslie A. Ray, trans.). // History of the Graeco-Latin Fable II: The Fable during the Roman Empire & in the Middle Ages. [HI:HGLF2] // Adrados, Francisco Rodriguez // (Leslie A. Ray, trans.). // Brill:2000.
- Afsaruddin, Asma // The First Muslims: History and Memory. [WR:TFM] // Afsaruddin, Asma // OneWorld:2008.
- Agosto, Efrain // Servant Leadership: Jesus and Paul. [NT:SLJAP] // Agosto, Efrain // Chalice:2005.
- Aharoni , Yohanan // and Michael Avi-Yonah // The Macmillan Bible Atlas. [REF:MBA] // Aharoni , Yohanan // and Michael Avi-Yonah // Macmillan:1968.
- Ahituv, Shmuel // (ed). // Echoes from the Past: Hebrew and Cognate Inscriptions from the Biblical Period. [OT:EFTP] // Ahituv, Shmuel // (ed). // Carta:2008.
- Ahlstrom, GW // The History of Ancient Palestine. [HI:HAP] // Ahlstrom, GW // Fortress:1993.
- Ahmad, Esther // with J Chester. // Unveiled: The Bible, The Qur'an, and Women. [WR:UV] // Ahmad, Esther // with J Chester. // HarvestHouse:2020.
- Ahmad, Syed Baraket // Introduction to Quranic Script. [WR:IQS] // Ahmad, Syed Baraket // Curzon:1985.
- Ahsan, M Manazir // (intro). // A Guide to Islamic Literature. [WR:GIL] // Ahsan, M Manazir // (intro). // The Islamic Foundation:1998.
- Aiken , Lewis R // Assessment of Intellectual Functioning . [CS:AOIF] // Aiken , Lewis R // Allyn&Bacon:1987.
- Akazawa, Takeru // Naomichi Ogihara, Hiroki Tanabe and Hideaki Terashima (eds). // Dynamics of Learning in Neanderthals and Modern Humans: VOL2 Cognitive and Physical Perspectives. [NS:DOLNAMH] // Akazawa, Takeru // Naomichi Ogihara, Hiroki Tanabe and Hideaki Terashima (eds). // Springer:2014.
- Akenson, Donald Harman // Saint Saul: A Skeleton Key to the Historical Jesus. [NT:SSSK] // Akenson, Donald Harman // OxfordUP:2000.
- Akira, Hirakawa // and Paul Groner (trans). // A History of Indian Buddhism—From Sakyamuni to Early Mahayana. [WR:HOIBHA] // Akira, Hirakawa // and Paul Groner (trans). // MotilalBanarsidass:1990.
- Aland, Kurt // and Barbara Aland. // The Text of the New Testament. [NT:ATNT] // Aland, Kurt // and Barbara Aland. // Eerdmans-EJBrill:1989.
- al-Aqqad, Abbas Mahmud // , F Peter Ford (trans,ed). // The Genius of Christ. [WR:TGOC] // al-Aqqad, Abbas Mahmud // , F Peter Ford (trans,ed). // GlobalPubs:2001.
- Al-Azami, MM // The History of the Quranic Text from Revelation to Compilation: A Comparative Study with the Old and New Testaments, 2nd edition. [WR:HOQT] // Al-Azami, MM // AzamiPublishing:2008.
- al-A'zami, Muhammad Mustafa // Studies in Early Hadith Literature, with a Critical Edition of Some Early Texts. [WR:SIEHL] // al-A'zami, Muhammad Mustafa // AmericanTrustPubs-IslamicBookTrust:2000.
- Alberts , Bruce // et al // Molecular Biology of The Cell , 6th ed . [NS:MBOTC] // Alberts , Bruce // et al // TaylorFrancis:2015.
- Albertz, R // B A Nakhai, S M Olyan and Rudiger Schmitt (eds). // Family and Household Religion: Toward a Synthesis of Old Testament Studies, Archaeology, Epigraphy, and Cultural Studies. [HI:FAHR] // Albertz, R // B A Nakhai, S M Olyan and Rudiger Schmitt (eds). // Eisenbrauns:2014.
- Albrecht, Michael Von // Roman Epic: An Interpretive Introduction. [HI:REAII] // Albrecht, Michael Von // Brill:1999.
- Alcorn , Randy // Heaven . [TH:Heaven2] // Alcorn , Randy // Tyndale:2004.
- Alec, J // Motyer. // The Prophecy of Isaiah. [OT:TPI] // Alec, J // Motyer. // IntervarsityPress:1993.
- Alexander, Denis // and Alister McGrath (eds.). //Coming to Faith Through Dawkins: 12 Essays on the Pathway from New Atheism to Christianity. [PH:C2FTD] // Alexander, Denis // and Alister McGrath (eds.). //Kregel:2023.
- Alexander, Desmond // and David W. Baker (eds). // Dictionary of the Old Testament Pentateuch, T. [OT:DictOT5] // Alexander, Desmond // and David W. Baker (eds). // IntervarsityPress:2003. [Logos]
- Alexander, Loveday // The Preface to Luke's Gospel--Literary convention and social context in Luke 1:1-4 and Acts 1:1. [NT:PLG] // Alexander, Loveday // CambridgeUP:1993.
- Alexander, Loveday CA // Acts in Its Ancient Literary Context: A Classicist Looks at the Acts of the Apostles. [NT:AIALC] // Alexander, Loveday CA // T&TClark:2005.
- Alexander, T Desmond // Abraham in the Negev: A Source-Critical Investigation of Genesis 20:1-22:19. [OT:ANSCIG] // Alexander, T Desmond // Paternoster:1997.
- al-Faruqi, Ismail Raji // , Ataullah Siddiqui (ed). // Islam and Other Faiths. [WR:IAOF] // al-Faruqi, Ismail Raji // , Ataullah Siddiqui (ed). // IslamicFoundation:1998.
- al-Ghazali, Shaykh Muhammad // and Ashur Shamis (trans) and Zaynab Alawiye (rev ed). // A Thematic Commentary on the Quran. [WR:TCQ] // al-Ghazali, Shaykh Muhammad // and Ashur Shamis (trans) and Zaynab Alawiye (rev ed). // InternationInstituteIslamicThought:2000.
- Ali, Abdullan Yusuf // (11th ed). // The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an. [WR:MTHQ] // Ali, Abdullan Yusuf // (11th ed). // Amana:2006.
- Ali, Ahmed // Al-Quran: A Contemporary Translation. [WR:Q4] // Ali, Ahmed // PrincetonUP:1993.
- Alison, James // The Joy of Being Wrong: Original Sin Through Easter Eyes. [TH:JOBW] // Alison, James // HerderHerderCrossroad:1998.
- al-Khui , Al-Sayyid Abu al-Qasim al-Musawi // and Abdulaziz Aachedina (trans and intro). // The Prolegomena to the Quran. [WR:PTQ] // al-Khui , Al-Sayyid Abu al-Qasim al-Musawi // and Abdulaziz Aachedina (trans and intro). // OxfordUP:1998.
- al-Kisai , Muhammad ibn Abd Allah // and Wheeler M Thackston Jr (trans). // Tales of the Prophets—Qisas al-anbiya. [WR:TOTP] // al-Kisai , Muhammad ibn Abd Allah // and Wheeler M Thackston Jr (trans). // GreatBooksOfTheIslamicWorld:1997.
- Allen , Barry // Truth in Philosophy . [PH:TIP] // Allen , Barry // HarvardUP:1993.
- Allen, David // and Steve Lemke (eds). // Whosoever Will Kindle Edition. [TH:WW] // Allen, David // and Steve Lemke (eds). // B&Hbooks:2010. [Kindle]
- Allen, Diogenes // Philosophy for Understanding Theology. [PH:PUT] // Allen, Diogenes // John Knox:1985.
- Allen, Garrick // Kai Akagi, Paul Sloan, and Madhavi Nevader (eds). // Son of God--Divine Sonship in Jewish and Christian Antiquity. [TH:SOG] // Allen, Garrick // Kai Akagi, Paul Sloan, and Madhavi Nevader (eds). // Eisenbrauns:2019.
- Allert, Craig D // A High View of Scripture? The Authority of the Bible and the Formation of the New Testament Canon. [TH:HVS] // Allert, Craig D // Baker:2007.
- Allert, Craig D // Revelation, Truth, Canon and Interpretation: Studies in Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho. [HI:RTCI] // Allert, Craig D // Brill:2002.
- Allison , Dale , Jr // Constructing Jesus: Memory, Imagination, and History. [NT:CJ] // Allison , Dale , Jr // Baker:2010.
- Allison, Dale C Jr // The Resurrection of Jesus: Apologetics, Polemics, History. [NT:ROJ] // Allison, Dale C Jr // T&TClark:2021. [Kindle]
- Alon, Gedaliah // The Jews in Their Land in the Talmudic Age. [HI:JTLTA] // Alon, Gedaliah // Magnes Press-Hebrew University:1984.
- Alston , William P // Perceiving God -- The Epistemology of Religious Texts . [PH:PG] // Alston , William P // CornellUP:1991.
- Alter , Robert // The Five Books of Moses: A Translation with Commentary . [OT:FBMA] // Alter , Robert // Norton:2004.
- Alter, Robert // The Hebrew Bible: A Translation with Commentary 3 vols. [OT:THBTC3] // Alter, Robert // WWNorton:2018.
- Alvar, Jaime // with Richard Gordon (trans). // Romanising Oriental Gods: Myth, Salvation and Ethics in the Cults of Cybele, Isis and Mithras. [HI:ROG] // Alvar, Jaime // with Richard Gordon (trans). // Brill:2008.
- Al-Yaqoubi, Shaykh Muhammad // Refuting Isis 2nd Edition. [WR:RI2] // Al-Yaqoubi, Shaykh Muhammad // SacredKnowledge:2016.
- Amundson, Ron // The Changing Role of the Embryo in Evolutionary Thought: Roots of Evo-Devo. [NS:CREET] // Amundson, Ron // CambridgeUP:2005.
- Ananthaswamy, Anil // The Edge of Physics--A Journey to Earth's Extremes to Unlock the Secrets of the Universe. [NS:TEOP] // Ananthaswamy, Anil // MarinerBooks:2011.
- Andersen, Francis // and A Dean Forbes. // Biblical Hebrew Grammar Visualized. [OT:BHGV] // Andersen, Francis // and A Dean Forbes. // Eisenbrauns:2012.
- Andersen, Francis // and A Dean Forbes. // Spelling in the Hebrew Bible. [OT:SHB] // Andersen, Francis // and A Dean Forbes. // Pontifical Biblical Institute:1986.
- Anderson , JA // and WA Dyrness // Modern Art and the Life of a Culture -- The Religious Impulses of Modernism. [PH:MALC] // Anderson , JA // and WA Dyrness // IVPacademic:2016.
- Anderson , Paul M // ed // Professors Who Believe: The Spiritual Journeys of Christian Faculty. [PH:PROFWB] // Anderson , Paul M // ed // IVP:1998.
- Anderson, Bonnie // and Judith Zinssser. // A History of their Own: Women in Europe from Prehistory to the Present (vol 1). [WS:AHTO] // Anderson, Bonnie // and Judith Zinssser. // Harper&Row:1988.
- Anderson, David R // Free Grace Soteriology. [TH:FGS] // Anderson, David R // Xulon:2010.
- Anderson, F // R Schwartz, and M Sweezy. // Internal Family Systems Skills Training Manual: Trauma-Informed Treatment for Anxiety, Depression, PTSD & Substance Abuse 1st Edition. [CST:IFSTM] // Anderson, F // R Schwartz, and M Sweezy. // PESIpublishing:2017.
- Anderson, JND // Christianity and Comparative Religion. [WR:CACR] // Anderson, JND // IntervarsityPress:1970.
- Anderson, Norman // Christianity and World Religions: The Challenge of Pluralism (rev ed). [WR:CWR] // Anderson, Norman // IntervarsityPress:1984.
- Anderson, Robert // and Terry Giles. // The Keepers: An Introduction to the History and Culture of the Samaritans. [HI:TK] // Anderson, Robert // and Terry Giles. // Hendrickson:2002.
- Anderson, Robert // and Terry Giles. // Tradition Kept: The Literature of the Samaritans. [HI:TKLS] // Anderson, Robert // and Terry Giles. // Hendrickson:2005.
- Andrade, Nathanael J // Syrian Identity in the Greco-Roman World. [HI:SIGRW] // Andrade, Nathanael J // CambridgeUP:2013. [Kindle]
- Andresen, Jensine // and Robert Forman (eds). // Cognitive Models and Spiritual Maps. [CS:CMSM] // Andresen, Jensine // and Robert Forman (eds). // ImprintAcademic:2000.
- Ankerberg, John // and John Weldon. // Knowing the Truth about Jesus the Messiah. [NT:KTJM] // Ankerberg, John // and John Weldon. // Harvest House:1996.
- Anthony, Sean // The Caliph and the Heretic: Ibn Saba and the Origins of Shiism. [WR:TCTH] // Anthony, Sean // Brill:2012.
- Apisdort , Shimon // Israel -- An Easy to Use Guide . [WR:IE2UG] // Apisdort , Shimon // Leviathan:2002.
- Arabi, Shahida // POWER: Surviving and Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse: A Collection of Essays on Malignant Narcissism and Recovery from Emotional Abuse. [CST:PSAT] // Arabi, Shahida // ThoughtCatalogBooks:2017.
- Arberry, AJ // The Koran Interpreted: A Translation. [WR:Q6] // Arberry, AJ // Touchstone:1996.
- Archer, Gleason L // Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties. [REF:EBD] // Archer, Gleason L // Zondervan:1982. [Logos]
- Archi, Alfonso // (ed) with Armando Bramanti. // Tradition and Innovation in the Ancient Near East. [HI:TAIANE] // Archi, Alfonso // (ed) with Armando Bramanti. // Eisenbrauns:2015.
- Argall, Randal A // I Enoch and Sirach: A Comparative Literary and Conceptual Analysis of the Themes of Revelation, Creation, and Judgment. [HI:IES] // Argall, Randal A // Scholars Press:1995.
- Arkoun, Mohammed // (trans Robert D Lee). // Rethinking Islam: Common Questions, Uncommon Answers. [WR:RICQ] // Arkoun, Mohammed // (trans Robert D Lee). // Westview:1994.
- Arlandson, James Malcolm // Women, Class, and Society in Early Christianity: Models from Luke-Acts. [WS:WCSEC] // Arlandson, James Malcolm // Hendrickson:1997.
- Armstrong, Karen // Muhammad: A Biography of the Prophet. [WR:MBTP] // Armstrong, Karen // Harper:1992.
- Arnold, Clinton // (ed). // Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary (4 vols). [REF:ZIBBC] // Arnold, Clinton // (ed). // Zondervan:2002.
- Arnold, Clinton // Powers of Darkness: Principalities & Powers in Paul's Letters. [TH:PDPP] // Arnold, Clinton // IntervarsityPress:1992.
- Arnold, Clinton // The Colossian Syncretism: The Interface between Christianity and Folk Belief at Colossae. [NT:TCS] // Arnold, Clinton // Baker:1996.
- Arrieta , R T // From the Atacama to Makalu: A Journey to Extreme Environments on Earth and Beyond. [NS:XTREME] // Arrieta , R T // CoquiPress:1997.
- Arterburn, Stephen // and Jack Felton. // Toxic Faith: Experiencing Healing from Painful Spiritual Abuse. [TH:TF] // Arterburn, Stephen // and Jack Felton. // WaterbrookPress:2001.
- Arthur, Wallace // Biased Embryos and Evolution. [NS:BEE] // Arthur, Wallace // CambridgeUP:2004.
- Artz, FB // The Mind of the Middle Ages. [HI:MMA] // Artz, FB // UChicagoPress:1980.
- Ashley , Mike //The Giant Book of Myths and Legends. [WR:TGBMAL] // Ashley , Mike //Barnes&Noble:1995.
- Aslan, Reza // No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam. [WR:NGBG] // Aslan, Reza // RandomHouse:2006.
- Asselt, Willem J van // , J Martin Bac and Roelf T te Velde (eds). // Reformed Thought on Freedom: The Concept of Free Choice in Early Modern Reformed Theology. [TH:RTOF] // Asselt, Willem J van // , J Martin Bac and Roelf T te Velde (eds). // BakerAcademic:2010.
- Assmann, Jan // and Guy Stroumsa (eds). // Transformation of the Inner Self in Ancient Religions. [HI:TISAR] // Assmann, Jan // and Guy Stroumsa (eds). // Brill:1999.
- Atchity, Kenneth J // (ed). // The Classical Roman Reader. [HI:TCRR] // Atchity, Kenneth J // (ed). // HenryHolt:1997.
- Athanassiadi, Polymnia // and Michael Frede (eds.). // Pagan Monotheism in Late Antiquity. [HI:PMLA] // Athanassiadi, Polymnia // and Michael Frede (eds.). // OxfordUP:1999.
- Atran, Scott // In Gods We Trust: The Evolutionary Landscape of Religion. [NS:IGWT] // Atran, Scott // OxfordUP:2002.
- Aubet, Maria Eugenia // (trans Mary Turton). // The Phoenicians and the West: Politics, Colonies, and Trade. [OT:PW] // Aubet, Maria Eugenia // (trans Mary Turton). // CambridgeUP:1993.
- Audi , Robert // Belief, Justification, and Knowledge -- an Introduction to Epistemology. [PH:BJAK] // Audi , Robert // Wadsworth:1988.
- Audi , Robert // ed // The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy . [PH:CDP] // Audi , Robert // ed // CambridgeUP:1995.
- Audi, Robert // Epistemology: A Contemporary Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge. [PH:Audi2] // Audi, Robert // Routledge:1998.
- Auerbach, Erich // Willard Trask (trans). // Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature. [HI:MIM] // Auerbach, Erich // Willard Trask (trans). // PrincetonUP:2003.
- Aufrecht, Walter // Neil Mirau, and Steven Gauley (eds). // Aspects of Urbanism in Antiquity: From Mesopotamia to Crete. [HI:AUA] // Aufrecht, Walter // Neil Mirau, and Steven Gauley (eds). // JSOT-Sheffield:1997.
- Auld, A Graeme // Joshua Retold: Synoptic Perspectives. [OT:JRSP] // Auld, A Graeme // T&TClark:1998.
- Aune, Dave E // Apocalypticism, Prophecy, and Magic in Early Christianity—Collected Essays. [HI:APMEC] // Aune, Dave E // Baker:2006.
- Aune, David E // The New Testament in Its Literary Environment. [NT:NTLE] // Aune, David E // Westminster:1987.
- Aune, David E // Prophecy in Early Christianity and the Ancient Mediterranean World. [NT:PEC] // Aune, David E // Eerdmans:1983.
- Austin, NJE // and NB Rankov. // Exploratio: Military and Political Intelligence in the Roman World from the Second Punic War to the Battle of Adrianople. [HI:EMPI] // Austin, NJE // and NB Rankov. // Routledge:1995.
- Avalos, Hector // Health Care and the Rise of Christianity. [HI:HCRC] // Avalos, Hector // Hendrickson:1999.
- Averbeck, Richard // and K Lawson Younger Jr (eds). // "An Excellent Fortress for His Armies, a Refuge for the People"--Egyptological, Archaeological, and Biblical Studies in Honor of James K Hoffmeier. [HI:AEF] // Averbeck, Richard // and K Lawson Younger Jr (eds). // Eisenbrauns:2020.
- Averbeck, Richard // Chavalas, Weisberg (eds). // Life and Culture in the Ancient Near East. [HI:LCANE] // Averbeck, Richard // Chavalas, Weisberg (eds). // CDL Press:2003.
- Avery-Peck, Alan // and Jacob Neusner (eds). // The Mishnah in Contemporary Perspective (part One). [HI:MCP1] // Avery-Peck, Alan // and Jacob Neusner (eds). // Brill:2002.
- Avital, Eytan // and Eva Jabloka. // Animal Traditions: Behavioural Inheritance in Evolution. [NS:AT] // Avital, Eytan // and Eva Jabloka. // CambridgeUP:2000.
- Awde, Nicholas // (trans,ed). // Women in Islam: An Anthology from the Quran and Hadiths. [WR:WII] // Awde, Nicholas // (trans,ed). // HippocreneBooks:2005.
- Ayala, Francisco // and Camilo Cela-Conde. // Processes in Human Evolution--The journey from early hominins to Neanderthals and modern humans. [NS:PIHE] // Ayala, Francisco // and Camilo Cela-Conde. // OxfordUP:2017.
- Ayoub, Mahmoud // The Quran and Its Interpreters, vol I. [WR:QII1] // Ayoub, Mahmoud // SUNY:1984.
- Ayoub, Mahmoud // The Quran and Its Interpreters, vol II, The House of Imran. [WR:QII2] // Ayoub, Mahmoud // SUNY:1992.
- Azzoni, Annalisa // The Private Lives of Women in Persian Egypt. [WS:PLWPE] // Azzoni, Annalisa // Eisenbrauns:2013.
- Baars, Bernard // William Banks, James Newman (eds). // Essential Sources in the Scientific Study of Consciousness. [CS:ESSSC] // Baars, Bernard // William Banks, James Newman (eds). // MIT:2003.
- Baban, Octavian D // On the Road Encounters in Luke-Acts: Hellenistic Mimesis and Luke's Theology of the Way. [NT:OTRELA] // Baban, Octavian D // Paternoster:2006.
- Babbitt, Frank Cole // trans //Plutarch Moralia 5 - Loeb Classics. [HI:LoebPlutMOR5] // Babbitt, Frank Cole // trans //HarvardUP:1936.
- Bachmann, Michael // Robert Brawley (trans). // Anti-Judaism in Galatians? Exegetical Studies on a Polemical Letter and on Paul's Theology. [NT:AJIG] // Bachmann, Michael // Robert Brawley (trans). // Eerdmans:2008.
- Bachvarova, Mary // From Hittite to Homer: The Anatolian Background of Ancient Greek Epic. [HI:FH2H] // Bachvarova, Mary // CambridgeUP:2016.
- Badawi, Elsaid // and Muhammad Abdel Haleem. // Arabic-English Dictionary of Quranic Usage. [WR:AEDQU] // Badawi, Elsaid // and Muhammad Abdel Haleem. // Brill:2008.
- Badian, E // Roman Imperialism in the Late Republic. [HI:RILP] // Badian, E // Cornell:1971.
- Baetu, Tudor M // Cambridge Elements--Mechanisms in Molecular Biology. [NS:CE_MIMB] // Baetu, Tudor M // CambridgeUP:2019.
- Baeyer , Hans Christian von //Maxwell's Demon: Why Warmth Disperses and Time Passes. [PS:MD] // Baeyer , Hans Christian von //Random:1998.
- Bagemihl, Bruce // Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity. [NS:BX] // Bagemihl, Bruce // StMartins:1999.
- Baggini , Julian // and Peter S Fosl // The Philosopher's Toolkit -- A Compendium of Philosophical Concepts and Methods, 2nd ed. [PH:Tools] // Baggini , Julian // and Peter S Fosl // WileyBlackwell:2010.
- Bagnall, Roger // Early Christian Books in Egypt. [HI:ECBIE] // Bagnall, Roger // PrincetonUP:2009.
- Bagnall, Roger S // (ed). // The Oxford Handbook of Papyrology. [HI:OHP] // Bagnall, Roger S // (ed). // OxfordUP:2009.
- Bagnall, Roger S // Everyday Writing in the Graeco-Roman East. [HI:EWIGRE] // Bagnall, Roger S // UChicagoPress:2011.
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