Plan to Finish Someday...
"The best laid
plans of mice and men.........are about equal."
[These are now sorted into a list of
that I use in the CTT writings...hope it helps.
I have also begun filing previous years books in their own file--to shorten file access times.
I have all of
and most of
1995 books.]
acquisitions...(and old "I brought them in from the garage"
Also, note that these books are NOT uniformly
cited in the technically-correct fashion, but only to the
extent needed to identify/find them yourself.
Note: as of Oct 2015 I will no longer be putting entries into this log for books purchased from
Logos software [list of my Oct 2015 holdings at logos6_2015OCT.pdf
,578 pages, 8600+ entries, 3.3M].
Since citations from those works will be in-full, there will be no need for abbreviations and name-anchors.
I will periodically post the purchase history somewhere
(Logos_Order_History_2020MAY29 for now),
though, as I can--so readers can see electronic resources what I find worth investing in.
What is sweet is that several of the books in my library were purchased with funds from
Tank support gifts, received in 2020/2021, from treasures in His family (smile)!
Jan 27, 2025
- [CS:BELR] The BRAIN--Exploring the latest research. // Domingues-Montanari, Domingues //IndepentlyPub:2024
- [NS:CPAD] Critical Perspectives on Ancient DNA // Strand, Daniel // and Kallen, and Mulcare //MITpress:2024
- [NS:EOPTLS] Evolution "On Purpose": Teleonomy in Living Systems // Corning, Peter (ed) // and Kauffman, Noble, et al. //MITpress:2023 [Kindle]
- [NS:EV21] Evolution: A View from the 21st Century, Fortified. // Shapiro, James //CognitionPress:2022 [Kindle]
- [NS:INR] Information and the Nature of Reality: From Physics to Metaphysics // Davies, Paul // and Niels Henrik //CambridgeUP:2014 [Kindle]
- [NS:IP] Improbable Planet: How Earth Became Humanity's Home // Ross, Hugh //BakerBooks:2016 [Kindle]
- [NS:LUAP] Life, the Universe, and the Anthropic Principle // Barrow, John //World_and_I:2013 [Kindle]
- [NS:MBAG] Molecular Biology and Genetics // Sterling Education //SterlingEducation:2023
- [NS:OGF] Our Genetic Future: The Unintended Consequences of Overcoming Natural Selection. // Blau, William Stephen //IndepentlyPub:2023
- [NS:RDN] The RNA-DNA Nexus : Unveiling Fine-Tuning in Life's Molecular Machinery at the Atomic Scale // Grasso, Otangelo // IndepentlyPub:2023 [Kindle]
- [NS:ROR] The Romance of Reality: How the Universe Organizes Itself to Create Life, Consciousness, and Cosmic Complexity // Azarian, Bobby //BenBellaBooks:2022 [Kindle]
- [NS:SS] Synergistic selection : how cooperation has shaped evolution and the rise of humankind // Corning, Peter //WorldScientific:2018 [Kindle]
- [NS:TDI] The Design Inference: Eliminating Chance through Small Probabilities // Dembski, William A // and Winston Ewert //DiscoveryInstitute:2023 [Kindle]
- [NS:TMB] The Master Builder: How the New Science of the Cell is Rewriting the Story of Life // Arias, Alfonso Martinez //BasicBooks:2024 [Kindle]
- [NS:TPP] The Privileged Planet: How Our Place in the Cosmos Is Designed for Discovery, rev ed. // Gonzalez, Guillermo // and Jay Richards //Regnery:2004 [Kindle]
- [NS:TVT] The Violinist's Thumb: And Other Lost Tales of Love, War, and Genius, as Written by Our Genetic Code // Kean, Sam //BackBayBooks:2013
- [NS:UHB] Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition That Life Is Designed Kindle Edition // Axe, Douglas //HarperOne:2016 [Kindle]
- [NS:UID] Understanding Intelligent Design: Everything You Need to Know in Plain Language // Dembski, William A // and Sean Mcdowell //HarvestHouse:2008 [Kindle]
- [NS:ULS] Understanding Living Systems // Noble, Raymond // and Denis Noble //CambridgeUP:2023 [Kindle]
- [OT:LOTP] The Language of Trauma in the Psalms // Verde, Danilo //Eisenbrauns:2024
- [OT:VAV] Valuable and Vulnerable: Children in the Hebrew Bible, especially the Elisha Cycle. // Myers, Lorna //BrownJudaicStudies:2017 [Kindle]
- [PS:AFU] A Fortunate Universe, new edition. // Lewis, Geraint F // and Luke Barnes //CambridgeUP:2020
- [PS:MS] Molecular Storms: The Physics of Stars, Cells and the Origin of Life // Graham, Liam //Springer:2023
- [WS:WAK] Women of Assur and Kanesh: Texts from the Archives of Assyrian Merchants // Michel, Cecile //SBL :2020 [Kindle]
- [WS:WWAM] Women's Writing of Ancient Mesopotamia: An Anthology of the Earliest Female Authors // Halton, Charles (trans) // and Saana Svard (trans) //CambridgeUP:2017
Aug 15, 2024
- For the Glory of God--How Monotheism Led to Reformations, Science, Witch-Hunts, and the End of Slavery. [HI:FTGOG] // Stark, Rodney // PrincetonUP:2003.
- Jewish Fictional Letters from Hellenistic Egypt: The Epistle of Aristeas and Related Literature. [HI:JFL] // White, L Michael // and G Anthony Keddie // SBL:2018.
- The Evolution of Biological Information: How Evolution Creates Complexity, from Viruses to Brains. [NS:EOBI] // Adami, Christoph //PrincetonUP:2024. [Kindle]
- I Contain Multitudes: The Microbes within Us and a Grander View of Life. [NS:ICM] // Yong, Ed //HarperCollins:2016.
- Kindred--Neanderthal Life, Love, Death and Art. [NS:KN] // Sykes, Rebecca Wragg //Bloomsbury:2020.
- Life as No One Knows It: The Physics of Life's Emergence. [NS:LIFE] // Walker, Sara Imari // RiverheadBooks:2024. [Kindle]
- The Magic of Math: Solving for x and Figuring Out Why. [NS:MOM] // Benjamin, Arthur // BasicBooks:2016.
- Mutation, Randomness, and Evolution. [NS:MRE] // Stoltzfus, Arlin // OxfordUP:2021. [Kindle]
- The Lost World of Adam and Eve: Genesis 2-3 and the Human Origins Debate. [OT:GEN2N3] // Walton, John H // and NT Wright //IVPacademic:2015. [Kindle]
- Coming to Faith Through Dawkins: 12 Essays on the Pathway from New Atheism to Christianity. [PH:C2FTD] // Alexander, Denis // and Alister McGrath (eds.). //Kregel:2023.
- The Weirdness of the World. [PH:TWOTW] // Schwitzgebel, Eric // PrincetonUP:2024. [Kindle]
- Quanta and Fields: The BIggest Ideas in the Universe. [PS:QAF] // Carroll, Sean M //Dutton:2024. [Kindle]
- Space Oddities: The Mysterious Anomalies Challenging Our Understanding of the Universe. [PS:SO] // Cliff, Harry // Doubleday:2024.
May 29, 2024
- Metamorphosis in Greek Myth. [HI:MIGM] // Irving, PMC Forbes //OxfordUP:1990.
- In the Name of Jesus--Exorcism among Early Christians. [HI:ITNOJ] // Twelftree, Graham // BakerAcademic:2007.
- Evidence and Faith--Philosophy and Religion since the Seventeenth Century. [PH:EAF] // Taliaferro, Charles // CambridgeUP:2005.
- The Evolution of Logic. [PH:TEOL] // Hart, WD // CambridgeUP:2010.
- Jesus the Harmony--Gospel Sonnets for 366 Days. [TH:Sonnets] // Grindal, Gracia // Fortress:2021.
- Is the New Testament Reliable?. [NT:ITNTR] // Head, Peter M //Grove:2003.
- There is a God--How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind. [PH:Flew2] // Flew, Anthony // and Roy Abraham Varghese // HarperOne:2009. [Kindle]
- Cascade Companion to Evil. [PH:CC2E] // Taliaferro, Charles // Cascade:2020. [Kindle]
- Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (the original authoritative edition). [PH:TLP] // Wittgenstein, Ludwig // Sam Vaseghi (ed) // ChironAcademic:1921. [Kindle]
The Christian ThinkTank...[]
(Reference Abbreviations)