Plan to Finish Someday...
"The best laid
plans of mice and men.........are about equal."
[These are now sorted into a list of
that I use in the CTT writings...hope it helps.
I have also begun filing previous years books in their own file--to shorten file access times.
I have all of
2005, 2004,
and most of
acquisitions...(and old "I brought them in from the garage"
Also, note that these books are NOT uniformly
cited in the technically-correct fashion, but only to the
extent needed to identify/find them yourself.
Note: as of Oct 20, 2013 I will no longer be putting entries into this log for books purchased from Logos software. Since citations from those works will be in-full, there will be no need for abbreviations and name-anchors. I will periodically update the PDF of those titles on the Book Abbreviations page, though.
Dec 14/2014
- [NT:WWLA] Women, Work and Leadership in Acts. Teresa J Calpino. MohrSiebeck:2014.
- [HI:WIANE] Women in the Ancient Near East--A Sourcebook. Mark W Chavalas (ed.). Routledge:12014.
- [HI:LIRW] Literacy in the Roman World- Journal of Roman Archaeology, Supplementary Series Number 3. J H Humphrey (gen.ed.)--Multiple Authors. UMichAnnArbor:1991.
- [HI:CIANEH] Children in the Ancient Near Eastern Household. Kristine Henriksen Garroway. Eisenbrauns:2014.
- [HI:AMMI] Ancient Mesopotamian Materials and Industries--The Archaeological Evidence. R R S Moorey. Eisenbrauns:1999.
May 16/2014
- [TH:GOSC] The God of Second Chances: Finding Hope through the Prophets of Exile. Ron Clark. Cascade:2012. (I bought this for my personal spiritual life.)
- [TH:TKIHB] The King in His Beauty: A Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments; Thomas Schreiner. BakerAcademic:2013. (I bought this for my spiritual life--it was described in one review as a 'worship manual'--and I have found it to be wondrously so.)
- [OT:RGMH] A Reference Grammar of Modern Hebrew. Edna Coffin and Shmuel Bolozky. CambridgeUP:2005.
- [OT:TGMH] The Grammar of Modern Hebrew. Lewis Glinert. CambridgeUP:1989.
- [OT:MH4BS] Modern Hebrew for Biblical Scholars: An Annotated Chrestomathy with an Outline Grammar and a Glossary, Rev2. Takamitsu Muraoka. HarrrassowitzVerlag:1998.
- [HI:JRRW] Jewish Rights in the Roman World: The Greek and Roman Documents Quoted by Josephus Flavius. Pucci Ben Zeev. MohrSiebeck:1998.
Mar 7/2014
- [OT:GHCL1979] Gesenius Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon. Samuel Tregelles (trans). Baker:1979.
- [OT:AGOBH] A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew. Joshua Blau. OttoHarrassowitz:1976.
- [OT:ITH] Introduction to Hebrew. Moshe Greenberg. PrenticeHall:1965.
- [OT:BH4SMIH] Biblical Hebrew for Students of Modern Israeli Hebrew. Marc Zvi Brettler. YaleUP:2002.
- [OT:ACIGSBH] A Cumulative Index to the Grammar and Syntax of Biblical Hebrew. Frederic Clarke Putnam (compiler). Eisenbrauns:1996.
- [OT:AGFBH] A Grammar for Biblical Hebrew (revised ed). C L Seow. Abingdon:1995.
- [OT:WHS3] Williams' Hebrew Syntax 3rd Ed. Ronald J Williams, John Beckman (rev). UTorontoP:2007.
- [OT:AMGBH] A Modern Grammar for Biblical Hebrew. Duane Garrett and Jason DeRouchie. BnHacademic:2009.
- [OT:ANGBH] A New Grammar of Biblical Hebrew. Frederic Clarke Putnam. Sheffield:2010.
- [OT:BHGV] Biblical Hebrew Grammar Visualized. Francis Andersen and A Dean Forbes. Eisenbrauns:2012.
- [WR:QOTU] Qurans of the Umayyads: A First Overview. Francois Deroche. Brill:2014.
- [HI:IGLPSDB] Iscrizioni Greche E Latine Per Lo Studio Della Bibbia. Laura Boffo with intro by Emilio Gabba. PaideiaEditrice:1994.
- [HI:TRE] The Roman Economy, Studies in Ancient Economic and Administrative History. AHM Jones and PA Brunt (ed). BasilBlackwell:1974.
Jan 14/2014
- [HI:ARS] Ancient Roman Statutes: A Translation with Introduction, Commentary, Glossary and Index. Johnson, Coleman-Norton, Bourne and Clyde Pharr (gen.ed.). UTexasPress: 1961.
- [HI:MIM] Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature. Erich Auerbach, Willard Trask (trans). PrincetonUP: 1953, 2003.
- [HI:JIOTB] Jewish Interpretation of the Bible: Ancient and Contemporary. Karin Hedner Zetterholm. Fortress:2012.
- [HI:ANEB] Origins: The Ancient Near Eastern Background of Some Modern Western Institutions. William Hallo. Brill:1996.
- [NT:RIMLHP] Resurrection in Mark's Literary-Historical Perspective. Paul M Fullmer. TNTClark: 2007.
- [HI:RAGE2DOA] Rome and the Greek East to the Death of Augustus. Robet K Sherk (ed, trans). CambridgeUP:1984.
- [HI:TAA] The Augustan Aristocracy. Ronald Syme. ClarendonOxfordUP:1989.
- [HI:RP3] Roman Papers, volume III. Ronald Syme , Anthony Birley (ed). OxfordUP:1984.
- [HI:CJOGRC3] Christianity, Judaism and Other Greco-Roman Cults, Part Three, Judaism before 70. Jacob Neusner (ed). WipfnStock:1975.
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