Response to...
"The Fabulous Prophecies of the Messiah"
[updated Jul 2006]
Introductory Material
[See also: Messianic Expectations in 1st
Judaism--Documented from Non-Christian Sources]
Isaiah 7.14 - the Virgin Birth issue
Jan 2002]
Micah 5.2 - the Bethlehem issue
Problems in the Genealogies of Jesus
(Excursus: TYPOLOGY--a legitimate way
to understand
the OT?)
Digressive Tract...
3 Weird Fulfillments in Matthew: Herod's
The Return from Egypt, and "Nazarene, Nazirite, or What?"
Daniel's 70 "Weeks"
John the Baptist as the Forerunner
The Galilean ministry
Christ's healing ministry
The Triumphal Entry in Zech.
The Betrayal Prophecies
Crucifixion Prophecies: Psalm 22
Crucifixion Prophecies: Zech 12, 13
Crucifixion Prophecies: the parting of the garments
Crucifixion Prophecies: Wine and Gall
Crucifixion Prophecies: Jesus last cry
Crucifixion Prophecies: No bones broken
On the 'probability argument'
As you can see, this will take quite a while...
The Christian ThinkTank...
(Reference Abbreviations)